Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
C/C++ Source or Header
433 lines
#ifdef COMMENT
| testATP.c
| This program scans the AppleTalk network for all LaserPrinter servers
| and displays them in a list. This is the Beta-test for a project which
| I'm working on currently. I though it might be of interest to those
| exploring the preferred AppleTalk interface.
| <c>1991 Mike Carter, MCDesign. You may use portions of this code if you like,
| as long as authorship is acknowledged. Bug reports and any (and all) comments
| are welcome! You can reach me via E-Mail at CompuServe 76114,321.
| 'FindPrinters' is a trademark of MCDesign. All rightrs reserved.
#define SEARCH 1 /* Dialog items */
#define LIST 2
#define NUMFOUND 3
#define DONE 4
#define LINE 8
#define ICON 9
#define MSG 10
#define LOOKING 1 /* Message strings */
#define LOOKUPERR 2
#define EXTRACTERR 3
#define NO_DEVICES 4
#define ALL_DONE 5
#define BASE_RES 128
#define NIL_POINTER 0L
#define WNE_TRAP_NUM 0x60
#define UNIMPL_TRAP_NUM 0x9F
#include <nAppleTalk.h>
void DrawTheLine( DialogPtr theDlog ); /* Draws a dotted line on a userItem */
void DoAlert( short ); /* Changes message area in DLOG */
int findPrinters( Str32 *, short * ); /* does all the ATP stuff */
Str32 theObj = "\p="; /* Anything... */
Str32 theType = "\pLaserWriter"; /* of type LaserPrinter... */
Str32 theZone = "\p*"; /* in our zone. */
DialogPtr mainDlog;
GrafPtr oldPort;
short maxToGet = 25; /* max number to find */
short numFound = 0; /* number found in search */
Str32 pNames[25]; /* array for found printers */
ListHandle theListH;
Boolean gDone = false;
Boolean gWNElmplemented;
EventRecord gTheEvent;
Ptr theBuff, ePtr; /* NBP receive buffer; entity pointer */
int buffSize; /* size of buffer */
CursHandle WatchCursor;
Str255 brag = "\pFindPrinters <c>1991 MCDesign. Written by Mike Carter (76114,321) in Think C";
/*********************** main *****************************/
MaxApplZone(); /* get some ROOM!!!! */
InitMac(); /* initialize Mac Managers */
/* Allocate our main memory-gobbling structures so they end */
/* up at the bottom of our heap, causing much less heap */
/* fragmentation. I call this semi-dynamic allocation! */
buffSize = (sizeof( EntityName ) + 4) * maxToGet;
theBuff = NewPtrClear( buffSize );
if( theBuff == 0L )
ExitToShell(); /* No memory!! */
ePtr = NewPtrClear( 100 ); /* size for NBPSetentitiy */
if( ePtr == 0L )
ExitToShell(); /* no memory!! */
SetUpDlog(); /* load and show our main dialog */
LoopTheLoop(); /* main event loop */
/* clean-up routines */
LDispose( theListH ); /* Can't say whether or not these */
DisposPtr( ePtr ); /* are _really_ necessary, seeing */
DisposPtr( theBuff ); /* that quitting the app. releases */
DisposDialog( mainDlog ); /* it's memory anyway--but what the */
/* heck! can't hurt!! */
SetPort( oldPort ); /* Set the GrafPort back the way we found it */
ExitToShell(); /* ta-ta for now */
/*********************** InitMac **************************/
InitGraf( &thePort ); /* Initialize the Mac Managers */
FlushEvents( everyEvent, 0 );
InitDialogs( 0L );
WatchCursor=GetCursor( watchCursor );
/******************** SetUpDlog *****************************/
int type = 0, hit = 0;
Rect box;
Handle itemH;
mainDlog = GetNewDialog( BASE_RES + 1, 0L, -1L ); /* Get our main Dialog */
if( mainDlog == 0L )
GetPort( &oldPort ); /* Let's be port-friendly */
SetPort( mainDlog );
SetUpList(); /* define the list which shows the printer names */
ShowWindow( mainDlog ); /* become visual reality */
DrawDialog( mainDlog ); /* draw the guts */
FrameListRect(); /* frame the list's rect */
DrawButton( mainDlog ); /* outline the default button */
DrawTheLine( mainDlog ); /* draw the line seperating the message area */
/****************** SetUpList ********************************/
int type, i;
Rect box, dataBounds, rView;
Point cSize;
Handle itemH;
Cell theCell;
GetDItem( mainDlog, LIST, &type, &itemH, &box );
rView = box; /* Get rect size from our DITL user item */
rView.left+=1; /* leave room for framerect */
rView.right-=16; /* room for scrool bar and framerect */
rView.bottom -= 1; /* room for framerect */
cSize.h = rView.right - rView.left; /* set cell size */
cSize.v = (rView.bottom - rView.top) / 6; /* show 6 cells at a time */
SetRect(&dataBounds,0,0,1,maxToGet); /* define cell structure */
theListH = LNew(&rView, &dataBounds, cSize, 0L, mainDlog, true, false, false, true);
(**theListH).selFlags = lOnlyOne+lNoDisjoint+lNoExtend+lNoNilHilite;
/**************************** LoopTheLoop ***************************/
* Is WaitNextEvent() implemented? If it is, the address of the
* WaitNextEvent() trap will be different than the standard,
* "unimplemented" trap...
gWNElmplemented = ( NGetTrapAddress( WNE_TRAP_NUM, ToolTrap ) !=
NGetTrapAddress( UNIMPL_TRAP_NUM, ToolTrap ) );
* Don't wait for a mouse click. Retrieve and process events
* instead!
while ( gDone == false )
/************************** HandleEvent *****************************/
int theItem, type;
Handle itemH;
Rect box;
Point pt;
int err = 0;
if ( gWNElmplemented ) /* Use appropriate event routine */
WaitNextEvent( everyEvent, &gTheEvent, 0L, 0L );
GetNextEvent( everyEvent, &gTheEvent );
if (IsDialogEvent( &gTheEvent ) ) /* event happened inside the Dlog?? */
if ( DialogSelect( &gTheEvent, &mainDlog, &theItem ) ) /* yes it did!! */
switch( theItem )
case SEARCH:
err = findPrinters( pNames, &numFound );
if( err != noErr)
SysBeep( 30 );
case DONE:
gDone = true;
return; /* fall all the out to LoopTheLoop */
case LIST:
pt = gTheEvent.where;
GlobalToLocal( &pt );
LClick( pt, gTheEvent.modifiers, theListH );
case ICON:
GetDItem( mainDlog, MSG, &type, &itemH, &box ); /* secret brag switch! */
SetIText( itemH, &brag );
gTheEvent.what = nullEvent; /* so the following switch won't handle it */
switch ( gTheEvent.what ) /* Okay, event wasn't part of dialog */
case nullEvent:
case mouseDown:
case keyDown: /* don't need to list them */
case keyUp:
case autoKey:
case updateEvt:
BeginUpdate( gTheEvent.message );
DrawDialog( mainDlog );
EndUpdate( gTheEvent.message );
/*********************** HandleMouseDown ******************/
WindowPtr whichWindow;
short int thePart;
long windSize;
GrafPtr oldPort;
Rect dragRect = screenBits.bounds;
/* First, find out which window the mouse click occurred in.
* Then, find out what part of the window the mouse click occurred in.
thePart = FindWindow( gTheEvent.where, &whichWindow );
switch ( thePart )
case inSysWindow : /* Probably a desk accessory window... */
SystemClick( &gTheEvent, whichWindow );
case inDrag: /* Drag the window around the screen, limited by dragRect */
DragWindow( whichWindow, gTheEvent.where, &dragRect);
/**************************** FrameListRec **************************/
int type;
Rect box;
Handle itemH;
GetDItem( mainDlog, LIST, &type, &itemH, &box );
box.top -= 1;
FrameRect( &box );
DisposHandle( itemH );
/************************** findPrinters ****************************/
int findPrinters( Str32 *pNames, short *numFound)
EntityName aFoundPrinter; /* holds info for found printers */
AddrBlock entityAddr; /* address for found printers */
int type = 0, i = 0; /* Dlog stuff */
long dummy; /* Delay() dummy var */
Handle itemH; /* Dlog stuff */
Rect box; /* ditto. */
Str255 look, numStr; /* a mesage */
MPPParamBlock p; /* preferred interface paramBlock */
Ptr ePtr; /* pointer to entity stuff */
OSErr err; /* OS err value */
Cell theCell; /* for the Dlog list */
GetIndString( &look, BASE_RES, LOOKING ); /* load a message */
GetDItem( mainDlog, MSG, &type, &itemH, &box );
SetIText( itemH, &look );
NBPSetEntity( ePtr, theObj, theType, theZone ); /* setup up the entity */
p.ioCompletion = 0L; /* no completion procedure */
p.NBPinterval = 2; /* interval of two */
p.NBPcount = 3; /* retry three times only */
p.NBPentityPtr = ePtr; /* the entity info */
p.NBPretBuffPtr = theBuff; /* return buffer */
p.NBPretBuffSize = buffSize;
p.NBPmaxToGet = maxToGet; /* maximum entities to find */
err = PLookupName( &p, false ); /* go lookin' */
if( err != noErr )
return( -1 );
if( p.NBPnumGotten <= 0 )
DoAlert( NO_DEVICES ); /* error code for none found */
return( -1 );
NumToString( p.NBPnumGotten, &numStr );
GetDItem( mainDlog, NUMFOUND, &type, &itemH, &box );
SetIText( itemH, &numStr );
for( i = 1; i <= p.NBPnumGotten; i++ ) /* cycle thru and extract */
err = NBPExtract( theBuff, p.NBPnumGotten, i, &aFoundPrinter, &entityAddr );
if( err != noErr )
return( -1 );
BlockMove( (Ptr)&aFoundPrinter.objStr, (Ptr)&pNames[i], aFoundPrinter.objStr[0] );
theCell.h = 0; theCell.v = i - 1;
LSetCell( (Ptr)&aFoundPrinter.objStr[1], aFoundPrinter.objStr[0], theCell, theListH );
LDraw( theCell, theListH );
GetIndString( &look, BASE_RES, ALL_DONE ); /* load a message */
GetDItem( mainDlog, MSG, &type, &itemH, &box );
SetIText( itemH, &look );
return( 0 ); /* all is well */
/*********************** DoAlert ************************/
void DoAlert( short index )
int type;
Rect box;
Handle itemH;
Str255 errStr;
GetDItem( mainDlog, MSG, &type, &itemH, &box );
GetIndString( &errStr, BASE_RES, index );
SetIText( itemH, &errStr );
DisposHandle( itemH );
/********************** DrawTheLine ***********************/
void DrawTheLine( DialogPtr theDlog )
| This function will, utilizing the Rect defined in the user item
| within the rez file, draw a dotted line to seperate the message
| line at the bottom of the DLOG from the parts above it.
Handle itemH;
Rect box, theRect;
Point where, left, right;
int type;
GetDItem( theDlog, LINE, &type, &itemH, &box );
PenPat( ltGray );
PenSize( 1, 1 );
MoveTo( box.left, box.top );
LineTo( box.right, box.top );
/*************************** ButtonDraw ****************/
DrawButton( theDialog )
DialogPtr theDialog;
int itemType;
Rect itemRect;
Handle item;
GrafPtr oldPort;
GetDItem( theDialog, SEARCH, &itemType, &item, &itemRect );
GetPort( &oldPort );
SetPort( theDialog );
PenSize( 3,3 );
InsetRect( &itemRect, -4, -4 );
FrameRoundRect( &itemRect, 16, 16 );
SetPort( oldPort );